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Escalivada Recipe

Welcome to the culinary heart of Catalonia with our recipe for Escalivada! It’s a traditional and beloved dish brimming with the flavours of roasted vegetables. Simple yet delicious, Escalivada features aubergine, vibrant red pepper, essential onion, and juicy tomatoes, making it a must-have on any Catalan restaurant menu.


The term “escalivada” comes from the Catalan verb “escalivar”, meaning to roast in the ashes. While the traditional method involves roasting over open flames, we'll be using an oven for convenience. Ready to bring this classic Catalan dish to your table? Let's get cooking!


Ingredients (Serves 4)


1 aubergine
1 red pepper
2 onions
1 head of garlic
3 tomatoes
Extra virgin olive oil
Coarse sea salt


    How to Make Escalivada


    Difficulty: Easy

    Total Time: 1 hour 45 minutes

    Preparation Time: 15 minutes

    Cooking Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

    Resting Time: 30 minutes




    1. Preheat and Prep

    Preheat your oven to 170°C. Wash and dry the aubergine, red pepper, and tomatoes. Remove the outer layers of the onions and the head of garlic. Prick the aubergine with a sharp knife to prevent it from bursting in the oven.


    1. Roast the Vegetables

    Place all the vegetables except the tomatoes on a baking tray. Drizzle with a little extra virgin olive oil. Roast in the preheated oven for 1 hour. Turn the vegetables halfway through cooking, then add the tomatoes to the tray and roast for an additional 30 minutes.


    1. Check and Cool

    Cooking times may vary depending on the size of your vegetables, especially the onions. Ensure all the vegetables are tender before removing them from the oven. Allow them to cool so you can handle them easily.


    1. Peel and Prepare

    Remove the skins and seeds from the pepper and aubergine. Peel off the outer layers of the onions and chop them. Gently press the roasted garlic to release the cloves. Arrange all the vegetables on a serving plate.


    1. Season and Serve

    Sprinkle with coarse sea salt and drizzle with the roasting juices. For an extra zing, you can add a few drops of vinegar.


    Serving Suggestions


    Escalivada is incredibly versatile:

    • Serve as an appetiser.
    • Pair as a side dish with meats or fish.
    • Top rustic bread slices for a casual snack.

    For added richness, consider garnishing with flakes of salt cod or anchovies. Escalivada can be enjoyed both warm and cold.


    Wine Pairing


    Enhance your Escalivada experience with these wine pairings:


    Red Wine - A.S Boires 2017
    Sparkling Wine - Anna De Codorniu Brut Nature
    White Wine - Cami De Cormes 2019



      Ready to bring some Catalan flair to your kitchen? Escalivada is sure to impress with its rich, roasted flavours and simple preparation. Join our community and explore more recipes by subscribing to our newsletter. Happy cooking!

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